TBCL 2020 Awards
Nominations for the 2020 Taxonomy Boot Camp London Awards are now closed.

Thank you to all those who nominated in this year's Boot Camp Awards. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at E: TBCL@infotoday.com

Nominations categories:

Taxonomy Success of the Year – this could be anything from the small-scale but important quick win, to the personal (for example, persuading a stakeholder to adopt the taxonomy in their business area), to a successful launch in a big project.

Taxonomy Practitioner of the Year – for example, someone who’s gone the extra mile to support their organisation with taxonomies, or someone tasked with managing their organisation's taxonomy and got into it, or people who’ve contributed to the wider taxonomy practice, especially if they’ve done that in their own time or on their own initiative.

The winners will be announced in the Boot Camp conference programme, published September 2020, and will receive a complementary delegate place at Taxonomy Boot Camp London in March 2021, with the option to present a talk about their project. Read more about last year's winners here.