Invitation to Speak

Submit Your Proposal to Share Your Experiences

Deadline for submitting proposals is March 20, 2014

Share Your Experiences
The Call For Speakers is now open.
Click Here to submit your proposal
Submission Deadline: March 20, 2014

For the past 10 years, Taxonomy Boot Camp has been leading the way in bringing together the foremost thinkers and practitioners in the field of information organization to spark conversations and provide insights into the complex world of taxonomies, ontologies, and their application in real-world environments. For this 10th anniversary event, we look into the future—where will taxonomies be in another 10 years, and how can they help your organization succeed? How will they be supporting your organization’s core needs and strategic objectives? What trends are pushing the boundaries of taxonomy use? How can you migrate your taxonomies into ontologies (and why would you want to do that)? How can social media and folksonomies integrate with enterprise information structures (and how can they increase revenues and reduce costs)? What is the future of automated tagging and classification? Will search solve everything? What unanticipated opportunities might open up for the work that you’ve done? What will be new (and what will stay the same)?

Once again, come to Taxonomy Boot Camp to learn from each other and share your knowledge-- whether you’re a novice or a seasoned expert, you can look forward to a stimulating and challenging two days. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to look into the present and future state of taxonomies, learn how the changes may impact your organization and career, and meet the people who can help you be successful in your efforts.

Taxonomy Boot Camp brings together practitioners and experts in taxonomy, vendors who have created tools to help manage your taxonomies, and novices who are starting out in the world of information management. Two parallel tracks on the first day provide those new to the field with the nuts and bolts they need to get up-to-speed and give expert practitioners insights into how other professionals have made their organizations more successful through better use of taxonomies. On the second day of the Boot Camp, everyone shares in case studies, practical sessions on taxonomy tools and their use, and cutting-edge developments in the field. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn about tools and techniques you can use to bring your information clouds together and meet the people who can help you be successful in your efforts.

Taxonomy Boot Camp is the only conference dedicated to exploring the successes, challenges, products, and development of taxonomies. Share your experiences, knowledge, and work with taxonomies, ontologies, folksonomies, content labeling systems, and other mechanisms for organizing information at this one-of-a-kind boutique learning and networking event. Exchange insights and information with taxonomy specialists, information managers, analysts, information professionals, knowledge managers, search analysts, and those working on portals, information architecture, and content management. Hear practical advice and discuss strategies, tools, trends, and techniques.

Conference Chair
Mike Crandall, Information School, University of Washington

Topics for Taxonomy Boot Camp include but are not limited to:

  • Developing, implementing, and managing successful taxonomies, ontologies and/or Folksonomies
  • Information architecture
  • Content labeling for effective navigation and display
  • Enhancing your information infrastructure with the right taxonomy
  • Taxonomy design concepts and strategies
  • Ontology design and integration with traditional taxonomies
  • Selecting the right metadata and taxonomy for your environment
  • Evaluating auto-categorization schemes and tools
  • Making the "build vs. buy" decision
  • Working collaboratively with stakeholder, content, and IT teams
  • Case studies, lessons learned, and best practices
  • SharePoint and other infrastructures
  • Taxonomies: their role in your organization’s information management
  • Balancing the cost with the value—proving a taxonomy’s ROI
  • Critical risks and success factors
  • Scalability issues
  • Taxonomy software and tools: what's new, what to select

Click Here to submit your proposal