Monday, November 2, 2015

Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Opening Remarks
9:00 a.m. - 9:10 a.m.
Michael Crandall, Principal Research Scientist, Information School, University of Washington Information School
Stephanie Lemieux, President & Principal Consultant, Dovecot Studio
Opening Keynote: The Architecture of Understanding
9:10 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Peter Morville, President, Semantic Studios
We think we're designing software, websites, and experiences. But we're not. We are agents of change. Our systems shape belief and behavior at scale. If we hope to be better, empathy for the user isn't enough. We must also wrangle with culture, governance, methods, metrics, and the false dichotomies of mind-body and plan-build, because the things we make are reflections of how we see and sort ourselves. In this spirited tour of information architecture, organizational strategy, and systems thinking, Peter Morville draws from his new book,Intertwingled,to reveal how everything is connected, from code to culture. It's a trip into the wilderness of cognition and complexity that delivers a simple message: Since categories are the cornerstones of both cognition and culture, taxonomy shapes everything we do.

Coffee Break
10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Track 1 - Getting Started
Taxonomy Fundamentals Workshop
10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
John Horodyski, Managing Director, Salt Flats
This tutorial covers the fundamental strategies, standards, and design methodologies for developing taxonomies for your organization's systems, whether content management, digital asset management, metadata management, or search. It is based on best practices for establishing information structure and managing and governing your digital assets. Learn strategies for developing a taxonomy, improving metadata schemas, establishing good governance using taxonomies and metadata, and calculating ROI for particular classes of users, digital assets, and media channels. 

Leveraging Taxonomy in Info-Centric Apps
11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Daniel Mayer, CMO, Expert System Enterprise
Taxonomy is a key factor in making search and navigation efficient. But as user expectations shift toward answers and decision-making support, applications need to go beyond terminology to genuinely recognize meaning. The good news is that when taxonomy is integrated with natural language processing into a single, integrated workflow, it can be directly employed in these applications. Based on real-world applications in fields as diverse as publishing, financial services, and healthcare, this session demonstrates how such an integrated workflow successfully extends taxonomy's impact into these more demanding scenarios.

Attendee Luncheon
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Taxonomy Lifehacks
1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Lightweight Taxonomy Approaches for Digital Practitioners
Jessica DuVerneay, Information Architect, The Understanding Group
Naomi Oorbeck, Information Architect, The Understanding Group
As digital practitioners, we are often tasked with redesigning navigation or helping users find their content more effectively. Though taxonomy may not always be explicitly scoped as part of web projects, starting with some lightweight taxonomic approaches can be key to a successful design. This talk covers when and how to effectively add "quick and dirty" taxonomy strategy, research, and thinking to your digital projects. Get a framework for including taxonomy work in a tight budget and deadline, and tips on which lightweight methods to use at each phase of the design cycle. 

Building Taxonomies: Lessons Learned
Theresa Putkey, Content Strategist, Key Pointe Consulting
It's only after working on numerous projects that taxonomists learn some valuable lessons that were never taught in school. This talk shares three ways to make taxonomy development work more effective: thinking strategically about what the business needs to do before diving into design, working with "what is" not "what will be," and thinking about the next step for the customer or taxonomy. 

Industry Insights
1:45 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Anne Lapkin, SVP, Global Strategy, Smartlogic

Information scientists intuitively know that a common, consistent vocabulary is good for business – it provides a rational way for organizing information, which is the lifeblood of an organization. However, they often struggle to translate their intuition into a compelling business case with concrete  benefits that will drive support and sponsorship for their efforts.  Lapkin shares case studies of  organizations that have put their taxonomies and ontologies to work to increase revenue, reduce cost and diminish business risk.

Taxonomy Governance
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Governance in the Enterprise
Gary Carlson, Founder, Factor
Real Governance in Action: Case Studies
Kelley Darling, Senior Taxonomist, Earley Information Science
Enterprise scale taxonomies straddle the business and technology boundaries of most organizations. Drawing on experience working with Microsoft, IBM, REI and many other large to mid-sized organizations, Carlson describes the factors that must be considered when creating a governance plan and provides examples of plans that have worked in different situations. The second session presents what EIS has learned by helping customers initiate governance practices. Darling shares two examples of governance in action, both successful and otherwise, the kinds of detail required by formal governance, and why documenting your best intentions is never enough.

Coffee Break
3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Beyond Ease-of-Use: Judging a Taxonomy by Its Outcomes
3:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Ben Licciardi, Manager, PwC
User testing is a great way to evaluate taxonomies, but it's only half the story. Taxonomies not only need to be easy to use, they also must support strategic objectives and system requirements. This session goes beyond user-focused modes of testing and explores ways to measure controlled vocabularies against program objectives and system outcomes. As we dive into questions such as "Does your product management taxonomy help to associate appropriate metadata to an item?" we consider the how and when to employ different types of evaluative methods and provide examples from the field.

Taxonomy Bridges: Enabling Semantic Integration
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Jayne Dutra, Consultant, Information Management for the Arts California State University, Fullerton
Duane Degler, Principal Consultant–IA, Design for Context
Taxonomies should be designed with enough flexibility and transition points to be a bridge to other taxonomies and datasets. Enabling your taxonomy to fit into the larger universe of partner companies, industry standards, federal requirements and complementary term sets gives it a solid foundation for future growth. Term sets like ISO country names, Library of Congress Subject Headings, and DBpedia ensure that the viability of your homegrown taxonomy will survive in the wider ecosystem of digital information. Speakers explore which vocabulary sets are available for reuse by the enterprise information architect and demonstrate how thinking about semantic integration from the beginning of the design process helps build a taxonomy that endures.

Curious Lives of Full-Time Taxonomists
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Zach Wahl, CEO, Enterprise Knowledge
Theresa Putkey, Content Strategist, Key Pointe Consulting
Heather Hedden, Taxonomy Consultant, Hedden Information Management, USA Author, The Accidental Taxonomist
Monica Y Fulvio, Director, Taxonomy & Metadata, Digital, National Geographic Partners
This popular session, now in its sixth year, facilitates a conversation with a panel of full-time taxonomists from the public and private sectors and the consulting world. The taxonomists discuss their career path, daily activities, and noted trends in the industry. The audience has the opportunity to ask questions, with answers and different perspectives provided from each panelist.

Enterprise Solutions Showcase Grand Opening Reception
5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Join us for drinks and hors d'oeuvres in a relaxed atmosphere as we kick off the start of this year's event. Open to all attendees, speakers, and sponsors.

Track 2 - Taxonomies Crossing Boundaries
Taxonomies Crossing Boundaries
10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Taxonomies Turning Unstructured Data Into Actionable Intelligence
Helen Clegg, Knowledge Director, Procurement & Analytic Solutions, A.T. Kearney
From social media posts to websites, news articles, patents and reports, companies are struggling to gain actionable insight from the amount of unstructured data available to them today. This session describes the approach taken by A.T. Kearney's Data Science Team to discover new knowledge from a big dataset. The approach outlines the importance of leveraging the human element while combining it with the efficiency and scale of machines for maximum effect.

Metadata Makeover at Statistics Canada
Jacqueline Luffman, Manager, Dissemination Division, Statistics Canada
This case study looks at Canada's national statistical agency, which is now completing a 3-year makeover of its metadata- based navigation and search. A team of metadata specialists has worked with subject matter experts to improve information scent, tagging, and governance to provide easy access to about 6 million website pages. As the Government of Canada's largest publisher, this project manually reviewed and added metadata such as titles, descriptions, subjects and geodescriptors to over 50,000 tables, articles and reference material-available in both English and French. In addition, a thorough review of their subject taxonomy was undertaken to provide more precision at second and third levels. 

IP Life Sciences Taxonomy Software Solutions
Elizabeth Sweeney, Sales & Product Manager, Thomson Reuters
Jim Sweeney, Senior Product Manager, Taxonomy & Ontology Solutions, Synaptica LLC, USA
IP & Life Sciences Division of Thomson Reuters is a global pro- vider of scientific information related to patents, clinical trials, regulatory affairs, drug competitive intelligence, systems biology, and other information. Sweeney discusses how taxonomy management software enables day-to-day processes and operations of professional services of the division as well as innovative approaches in taxonomy applications. He also shows how a taxonomy cross-mapping tool enables quick evaluation of taxonomy overlap and creates an environment for subject matter experts to establish equivalence or ontological relations for terms from different taxonomies. 

Designing Taxonomies to Drive Content Publishing
Suzanne Carroll, Product Director, Data Intelligence, XO Group (The Knot) has been the most popular online wedding resource since launching the AOL keyword "knot" in September 1996. In 2014, every application, database, and admin tool was thrown out and rebuilt in-house to support a full site redesign where usability and users are the top priority. All 300,000-plus wedding vendors, 120,000-plus real wedding images, 8,000-plus dresses, and 1,500-plus advice articles were reclassified using a single categorization scheme. These new agile taxonomies drive all SEO targeting, search engine-friendly URL construction, advertising targeting, and both the site search and recommendations system infrastructure. Carroll covers the process of designing the taxonomies; getting buy-in across business, product, and engineering teams; and managing a fast-paced, high profile taxonomy project within a large organization. 

Dynamic Semantic Publishing
11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Andreas Blumauer, Founder & CEO, Semantic Web Company Inc.
Through the use of case studies, this session demonstrates how semantic technologies, and PoolParty in particular, can deliver tangible benefits by addressing the following common requirements: auto-tagging of content powered by controlled vocabu- laries, overcoming information silos through the use of semantic knowledge graphs, combining unstructured and structured information, and uncovering the hidden links between content and data.

Attendee Luncheon
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Technology Supporting Taxonomists
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Which of Your Taxonomy Terms Work Harder?
Lawrence Rafsky, Chief Scientist, NewsEdge / Acquire Media
This talk unites two ideas that have been successfully applied to taxonomic-based text search: ranking content source subsets by analyzing overlaps and duplicates in the documents returned for queries derived from the total set of taxonomy terms, and managing taxonomy maintenance via statistics generated from language change, query logs, and taxonomy definitions/scope notes. Combining these concepts produces a new, novel metric: the "work" done by a taxonomic term. Rafsky shows how straightforward database queries and spreadsheet operations can be used to implement these ideas, so that audience members can put them to use immediately. 

Automatic Extraction of a Domain Taxonomy Through Mining of Social Conversations
Giancarlo Crocetti, Associate Director, Information Access, Boehringer-Ingelheim; Professor, St. Johns University
Taxonomies are an effective way of organizing knowledge and can be applied in many areas, from search to text mining, from content classification to artificial intelligence. However, taxonomies are not readily available and require substantial human curation. Crocetti shares a methodology that can be applied to automatically generate a draft taxonomy optimized for a rapid domain expert review. He considers a social media setting, but the same methodology can be applied in any domain. 

SKOS & Integration
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Boundaries With Taxonomies & Integration With SKOS
Bob DuCharme, Technical Writer, Commonwealth Computer Research, Inc.
Joseph Busch, Principal, Taxonomy Strategies
In any given organization, the publishing and the HR departments have good reasons to define the term "title" differently; and even the term "customer" can mean different things to different departments. If these different groups use a standard such as the W3C's SKOS to create their own taxonomies, they can get the benefit of tailor-made taxonomies customized to their needs, but they can also create connections between these taxonomies. Hear from DuCharme how SKOS makes this possible and how tools support this process without requiring knowledge of SKOS's in- ternals and syntax. Busch discusses what's missing from SKOS, why and what should be done about it. He shares how SKOS is an under-specified framework for encoding knowledge organization schemes and discusses how this can be addressed by using other namespaces such as FOAF (Friend of a Friend) and

Using External Taxonomies in the Hyper-Connected Enterprise
James Morris, Solution Architect, Semaphore by MarkLogic MarkLogic Corporation
David Landry, Sr. Manager, Amgen
This session looks at how Amgen created a service that connects internal and external ontologies and makes them available to the enterprise. Using taxonomies to improve the management and accessibility of metadata was well established. However, it was also important to leverage published terminologies that the growing collaborative network had in common. With more and more external ontologies, especially in the biosciences, now available in standard formats like OWL, OBO, and SKOS, the challenge is how to effectively reuse that information without reinventing the wheel. Hear how one organization used published terminology from those sources and connected it to internal terminology and systems, all while retaining the integrity of the originals. 

Coffee Break
3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Linked Data Lightning Talks
3:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Moderator: Marjorie M.K. Hlava, President & Chairman, Access Innovations, Inc. Data Harmony My blog is
Dave Clarke, EVP, Semantic Graph Technology, Synaptica, part of Squirro AG, UK
Bob Kasenchak, Information Architect, Factor
Jim Sweeney, Senior Product Manager, Taxonomy & Ontology Solutions, Synaptica LLC, USA
Join us for an intensive session with four industry professionals who have been working in the Linked Open Data space. Each speaker has under 7 minutes and only 20 slides to teach us about a different Linked Data concept, tool, application, format, speculation, or case study. What is Linked Data? How can I use it? How do I get it? What does that have to do with my taxonomy? Hear about all of this-and whatever else we can squeeze in-in this fast-paced look at the Linked Data landscape. 

Taxonomies in Digital Asset Management
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Laura Fu, Senior Business Analyst, Digital Asset Management, Red Hat
A detailed taxonomy and coherent metadata schema are the foundations of a successful DAM. Translating an existing content hierarchy into any DAM solution is typically a straightforward task, but what if you've never used a DAM or your content is disorganized and living in various digital nooks and crannies of your employer? With the right team, designing an enterprise taxonomy and metadata schema is a fun and stress-free project that will help you understand your content and also your users' search needs. Sharing and repurposing digital content via a DAM can result in reduced production efforts, decreased time spent locating content, and overall cost savings. 

Text Analytics in Action
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Using Text Analytics as a Toolset
Marjorie M.K. Hlava, President & Chairman, Access Innovations, Inc. Data Harmony My blog is
Big data inferences are increasingly used to mine huge heaps of data. The applications are endless. However, those inferences do not work well when many lines go to a single bubble. The lines and relationships must be drawn between concepts, not simply between words. Using the text analytics is a powerful tool, but it is a means to an end, not the end itself. The important work is in the interpretation of the data. This session outlines a highly accurate and efficient approach and provides a case study of the application. 

Government Agency Taxonomy & Text Analytics
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group Author, Deep Text
Join us for a case study of a taxonomy/text analytics project done at two state agencies. Reamy covers the initial research and planning stage of the project, the integration of text analytics into a SharePoint search application, the taxonomy design issues, the use of entity extraction to power a faceted navigation solution, the use of auto-categorization for subject metadata tagging, and finally, the evaluation of the solution by looking at performance and effort level needed to achieve that accuracy.

Enterprise Solutions Showcase Grand Opening Reception
5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Join us for drinks and hors d'oeuvres in a relaxed atmosphere as we kick off the start of this year's event. Open to all attendees, speakers, and sponsors.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tuesday Sessions
Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
Keynote - Complexity Informed Agility in Knowledge Management
8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
William Evans, Director, Experience Design, Semantic Foundry, LLC
Jabe Bloom, Chief Flow Officer, Praxis Flow
Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company
Although the application of agile methods to software development is most common, the heart of agile is knowledge management. Agile relies on direct communication and intense collaboration across an integrated team of subject matter experts. Agile focuses on concurrent efforts with learn- ing built into all phases and levels of the effort. Our experts in agile and KM provide a lively discussion of the types of knowledge, key methods of transferring and sharing knowledge, and how these can lead to innovation.

Keynote - Unbounded Discovery: Designing a Taxonomy-Driven User Experience
9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Dave Clarke, EVP, Semantic Graph Technology, Synaptica, part of Squirro AG, UK
Taxonomies are a proven enabler for information discovery as distinct from targeted search. How does one interpret and antic- ipate user needs and intentions when designing an information system? When do they need more options, fewer options, and how can they get reorientated should they go down a blind alley? Clarke explores how taxonomies, metadata, and graph queries can help transcend these design challenges and deliver an exceptionally engaging user experience. 

Coffee Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Modern Taxonomy: Building Experiences for Global Brands
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Leala Abbott, Associate Director, Content Strategy, Huge Inc.
What if you were tasked with building a new taxonomy every other month? What's it like to design taxonomies that drive adaptive con- tent, across multiple devices, for a variety of clients and uses? The modern approach to the taxonomy process within a digital agency involves many moving parts. Abbott talks about how digital-age taxonomists face the realities of less-than-ideal timelines and the challenges of employing taxonomies for a variety of technology solutions. Find out how taxonomies play into the various spheres of digital brand-building, including content strategy. 

Taxonomies & Search
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Search at Yellow Pages
Adrienne Smith, Taxonomist, Ubisoft
YellowPages is a leader in local Canadian search, going head to head with powerhouses like Google and Yelp. For nearly 3 years, YP's search has been powered by an in-house bilingual taxonomy. A team of taxonomists are responsible for creating and maintaining semantic relationships between keywords, categories, and concepts. This case study covers advantages and drawbacks of prioritizing "things" over "strings"; how to manage ambiguity, translation, and the imprecise nature of user queries via taxonomy; leveraging taxonomies for non-ontological data management; and future developments of the YP taxonomy. 

Searching for Value in Taxonomies at SEEK
Andrew Young, Search Enrichment and Taxonomy Lead, SEEK
SEEK is an internet start-up that has gone on to lead employment classifieds across many of the world's biggest emerging economies. Social media sites and content aggregators are employing search and data intelligence to disrupt its market. Gain insights into how SEEK has embedded its multi-faceted taxonomies and vocabularies within its search improvement programme and across its suite of online products. SEEK has also built a team around its Structured Data assets and measured the effects of its semantic initiatives on Search and other products.

Attendee Luncheon in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Mapping & Modeling
1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Knowledge Mapping & Taxonomies
Patrick Lambe, Principal Consultant, Straits Knowledge Author, Principles of Knowledge Auditing
Content modeling is a familiar technique for taxonomy development. However when taxonomy development is in support of knowledge management objectives, it is important to go beyond explicit information resources and find a way to represent the broader knowledge landscape of an organization. Knowledge audits and knowledge mapping are a useful way to do this and have the additional benefit of rapidly foregrounding the most important activity areas to be supported by the taxonomy. Lambe describes an approach to modeling a taxonomy from the language captured in a knowledge audit. 

Developing Content Models
Seth Maislin, Principal Consultant, Digital Transformation, Earley Information Science
An information architecture is only as good as the content model you design behind the scenes. Efficiency, findability, personalization, reuse, and security all depend on having the right metadata values in the right fields accurately populated. Too often, developers notice content requirements but overlook the user requirements. Maislin shares why user-based models are so important and a repeatable process for creating and using them effectively. 

2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Selecting & Implementing an Auto-Tagging Tool
Lindy Roux, VP & Managing Director, Tendo Communications
Jeff Lawrence, Delivery Director, Celerity
So you've spent months developing an enterprise taxonomy and now you're facing the daunting task of implementing it and tagging your content. Is an auto-tagging tool right for you, and if so where do you start? Roux walks through the five factors to consider when making this decision: content, taxonomy, existing tools and platforms, internal resources, and timeframe. She draws on her experience creating and implementing taxonomies for organizations like PBS, National Geographic and Gannett and touches on best practices to employ and common pitfalls to avoid. 

Leveraging Automated Classification to Support Metadata & Taxonomy Projects
Greg Council, VP, Marketing & Product Management, Parascript
Get a step-by-step practical guide to metadata discovery and extraction as well as tips and tricks for both initial efforts and ongoing maintenance of metadata processes.

Coffee Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Taxonomy Ask Me Anything
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Moderator: Seth Maislin, Principal Consultant, Digital Transformation, Earley Information Science
Moderator: Stephanie Lemieux, President & Principal Consultant, Dovecot Studio
Ever wish you had a team of taxonomists at your disposal to tell you the real truth? Answer your burning questions? We'll put some of the best speakers from the Boot Camp in the hot seat where they'll answer questions you posted during the conference (on Twitter). Esoteric or entertaining, specific or far-reaching; all questions are fair game, as long as they're in the spirit of learning more about taxonomies. 

Enterprise Solutions Showcase Networking Reception
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Mix and mingle with other conference attendees, speakers, and our conference sponsors.