Connect with Joseph Busch

Joseph Busch

Taxonomy Strategies

Picture of Joseph Busch

Joseph Busch is the founder and principal of Taxonomy Strategies which has been guiding organizations in developing metadata frameworks and taxonomy strategies for more than twenty years. He is an authority in the field of information science, with extensive knowledge and experience developing knowledge organization systems and applying them in real-world solutions.

Joseph has worked with global companies, government agencies, international organizations, and non-profits in North America, Europe, and Asia. Examples of large, complex, multi-stakeholder taxonomy projects he has led include the Bank for International Settlements (Switzerland), BHP Billiton (USA), Deloitte (USA), International Monetary Fund (USA), NASA (USA), Singapore Infocomm Development Authority, State Bank of Pakistan, Teck Resources (Canada), and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (USA)

Before founding Taxonomy Strategies, Joseph Busch held management positions at Interwoven, Metacode Technologies, the Getty Trust, PriceWaterhouse, Hampshire College, and Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton and Garrison. He is an editor, author, and frequent presenter at knowledge management industry conferences.

Taxonomy Boot Camp 2024

Taxonomy Boot Camp 2022

Taxonomy Boot Camp Connect 2021

Taxonomy Boot Camp 2018

Taxonomy Boot Camp 2017

Taxonomy Boot Camp 2016

Taxonomy Boot Camp 2015

Taxonomy Boot Camp 2014

Taxonomy Boot Camp 2013

Taxonomy Boot Camp 2012

Taxonomy Boot Camp 2011

Taxonomy Boot Camp 2010

Taxonomy Boot Camp 2009

Taxonomy Boot Camp 2008

Taxonomy Boot Camp 2007

Taxonomy Boot Camp 2006

Taxonomy Boot Camp 2005

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