Wednesday, September 24th

Yaksonomy: Talking About Taxonomies
7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Wendi Pohs, Chief Technology Officer, InfoClear Consulting
Is a taxonomy really “a kind of” ontology? Or is a taxonomy really a classification scheme? We all talk the
talk, but what do we really mean? And what does management really hear when we talk with them and
seek buy-in? Join Wendi Pohs for this opening interactive networking session where we meet each other
and compare notes about the definitions of the terms that matter to us.

Thursday, September 25th

Taxonomies: Dying? Dead? Or Just Hitting Their Stride?
8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
Theresa Regli, Director, Vox Veritas Digital Ltd, UK
As we embark on 2 days of intensive and informative discussions about taxonomies, Regli describes the “current state of the taxonomy nation”:  What’s happening with taxonomies, where progress is occurring and where struggles continue. Are enterprises still focused on, and investing in, taxonomies?  Is technology replacing the need for librarians and taxonomists? Are taxonomies losing momentum or ready for full steam ahead? Hear what our industry watcher predicts.

Welcome Keynote: Connecting Knowledge Management
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Peter Morville, President, Semantic Studios
Search is among our most important and complex challenges. As the choice of first resort for many users and tasks, search is a defining
element of the user experience and a critical window into the taxonomies we build. However, it not only influences who we find and what we learn, but search also shapes how we create value and share knowledge. In this fast-paced session, Peter Morville highlights best practices and emerging technologies that transform enterprise social search into a vital tool for collaboration, knowledge management, and discovery.

Coffee Break
10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Strategy, Planning, Stakeholders, & the Semantic Web
10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Joseph Busch, Principal, Taxonomy Strategies
Ron Daniel, Disruptive Technologies Director, Elsevier
Developing the business case, setting strategy, getting stakeholders on board, and engaging in the collaborative process of developing a content organization framework are as important as ever, and the new technologies just heighten people’s expectations. This means that project scoping, start-up, on-boarding, education, and high-level taxonomy remain critical factors in the success of a taxonomy effort. This session focuses on making the business case by addressing these points: What are the best criteria for identifying business stakeholders to participate in the project, how do you get them involved, and what should be their role in the taxonomy development process? What do business managers need to know about taxonomy and why it’s important? What are the critical start-up tasks in a taxonomy project? What are the best practices for early tasks and deliverables such as the high-level taxonomy design?

Planning Makes All the Difference: Case Studies of Planning in Action
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Sonya Pelli, Internet Services Manager, City of St. Louis Information Technology Services Agency
Joseph Busch, Principal, Taxonomy Strategies
It’s one thing to lay the groundwork for a taxonomy with strategy and planning, but quite another to follow through with implementing the strategies and plans and realizing the results. Follow how the city of St. Louis and the FDA benefited from investing in their plans and what was learned while putting those plans into action.

Attendee Lunch
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Tools & Technologies: What’s New & How to Select
1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group Author, Deep Text
Taxonomy software is an increasingly complex vendor and feature-rich landscape. In addition to basic development features designed to make the task of the taxonomist simpler and more productive, there’s a whole range of capabilities built on top of taxonomy management, from categorization rules associated with each taxonomy node to distributed taxonomy development, entity extraction, and sentiment analysis. This means the old method of enumerating features and developing a score card simply doesn’t work very well. Reamy looks at what’s new and includes an in-depth analysis of critical capabilities designed to match software capabilities with a range of possible applications.

Integrating With CMS for Dynamic Content: Motorola Case Study
2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Stephanie Lemieux, President & Principal Consultant, Dovecot Studio
Charlie Gray, Sr. Consulting Manager, Web Platform Services & CMS Strategy, Motorola, Inc.
Ever wonder what in the world organizations do after all those taxonomy initiatives are finished? Speakers highlight the ongoing taxonomy development and global implementation at Motorola, global manufacturer, showing how this company is integrating its global taxonomy with its CMS (Content Management System) to improve navigation and labeling consistency and to drive dynamic content on its customer-facing website,

Taxonomies for Human Versus Auto-Indexing
3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Heather Hedden, Taxonomy Consultant, Hedden Information Management, USA Author, The Accidental Taxonomist
Some taxonomies are used by human indexers or taggers, while other taxonomies are linked to content by automated indexing (auto-categorization).  This difference in how the taxonomy is used plays a significant role in how the taxonomy is constructed. Usage influences how taxonomy concepts are defined, what kind and how many variant (nonpreferred) terms are created, and how structured the term relationships are. The indexing method also impacts the taxonomy support tasks in policy development, rules writing, scope note writing, and training.

Ontologies and Folksonomies
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Marcia Morante, President, KCurve, Inc.
Wendi Pohs, Chief Technology Officer, InfoClear Consulting
Both “ontology” and “folksonomy” have been buzzwords for the past couple of years, but how are they used in practice? Our experts discuss their definitions and experiences in implementing alternative vocabulary structures in real-world applications. They present business and tool requirements for creating an integrated, semantic infrastructure, as well as some of the more common implementation techniques and pratfalls, including their own.

Networking Reception
5:15 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Continue the day’s discussions with new colleagues and old friends over drinks and hors d’oeuvres. Meet and talk with the speakers and the conference sponsors.

Friday, September 26th

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Join colleagues and Taxonomy Boot Camp faculty for breakfast and discussion.  Trade ideas, share solutions, and tap into the experience of othersbefore beginning the day’s program.

Enterprise Search & Taxonomy: How the Two Fit Together
9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Leslie Owens, Senior Analyst, Forrester Research
This session explores the enterprise search vendor landscape with a focus on taxonomy support.  The power of taxonomies is best realized through a search engine that leverages metadata in relevance calculations and in the search results user interface. Based on Forrester’s 141-criteria Wave Methodology, this session describes the search vendors’ approaches to manual and automatic classification, as well as end-user tagging and clustering.

Auto-Categorization for Knowledge Sharing: ConocoPhillips Case Study
9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Jim Wessely, President, Advanced Document Sciences
Dan Ranta, Director, Knowledge Sharing, ConocoPhillips
ConocoPhillips, the 9th largest corporation in the world, is well known for its exceptionally successful enterprise knowledge sharing program. This case study describes how ConocoPhillips uses a highly scalable, hierarchical taxonomy with auto-categorization, integrated search, and entity extraction applied to a SharePoint knowledge sharing environment.  Accessing distributed content sources from a variety of internal and external locations, it features a very intuitive user interface design that facilitates strong user acceptance with almost no need for user training.  Speakers highlight the problems being solved, the solution requirements, design considerations, and implementation techniques.

Coffee Break
10:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Classification Strategies and Facets for better SharePoint Portals and Intranets
10:45 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.
Donald Miller, Director, Sales & Business Development, North America, Interse
Its easy to create your taxonomy, its even easier to create documents and content in your SharePoint portal or intranet. The hard part is getting users to apply the proper tags for classification and organization purposes to utilize all of the hard work you put into building your taxonomy to get the most out of your SharePoint portal or intranet and find the document later! Don shows how a Silicon Valley company leveraged their taxonomist, multiple taxonomies and a couple of corporate applications to create a user friendly metadata search tool for SharePoint with auto classification of all content. In order to find documents, users simply start typing and the solution automatically suggests terms from the corporate taxonomy (metadata) in a drop down menu with in their SharePoint search box. After the user has done their initial query, the user can select facets to further filter down to the exact document or item they are looking for. Don focuses on the current capabilities of building a taxonomy within SharePoint and then demonstrates how to build on top of that with other third party tools like Interse's iBox and others.

Eight Habits of Successful Taxonomists
11:20 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Gary Carlson, Founder, Factor
Creating,managing, growing, governing, and operationalizing taxonomies make up just part of the job of an enterprise taxonomist. As former chief taxonomist of SchemaLogic, and as a taxonomy and information management consultant, Carlson has a wide variety of experiences with government organizations and Fortune 1000 firms including IBM, Pfizer, Chevron, Associated Press, Microsoft, and Boeing. Lessons from these engagements have shown him that managing the social, political, and technical aspects of a taxonomy initiative is essential. To enable the justification and use of taxonomies in the enterprise, Carlson shares the eight (or so) skills that come in very handy when working across technical and business teams in an enterprise on a project.

ATTENDEE LUNCH & PRESENTATION: Classification & Daily Decision Making
12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Chuck Beretz, Senior IT Specialist, Content Discovery, IBM Corporation
Content classification is a key enabler for information management initiatives and helps drive better business outcomes by automating tedious categorization decisions and increasing the value and accessibility of your content. Learn about the different methods of classification, discover through real-world examples how these methods can be used to automate time-consuming and error-prone manual decisions, and learn how to optimize the balance between human and automated decision making. By optimizing this balance, you can realize a rapid ROI on your content investments by reducing employee involvement, freeing them to focus on their core responsibilities.

Using Taxonomies to Enrich Searching … And Finding!
1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Gretta A Chahine, Corporate Taxonomist and Enterprise Portal & Search Leader, Global Information Services, Caterpillar
Bert Carelli, Director, Business Development, Infovell, Inc.
This session features two organizations using taxonomies to improve user experience in finding and ultimately solving problems or creating new understandings. Chahine illustrates how Caterpillar’s enterprisewide taxonomy strategy, as well as communities of practice addressing taxonomy and content management, has driven the process and techniques for organizing corporate data and dealing with the challenges of search relevancy and findability. AGIS reinvented its business model in 2007, redirecting all its resources into developing a consumer-focused web service for the elderly and those caring for them. Carelli describes working with Access Innovations to deal with the challenges of data normalization across different content providers and using the taxonomy to enrich user experience.

Finding a Common Language: Bringing Complex and Disparate Vocabularies Together
2:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Paula R McCoy, Managing Editor, Science & Taxonomy, ProQuest
Daniela Barbosa, Business Development Manager, Dow Jones Client Solutions, Dow Jones & Company
This case study addresses the challenges ProQuest faced in managing multilingual controlled vocabularies using multiple Word documents and authority files maintained in an Oracle database. Speakers describe how implementing a thesaurus management tool helped ProQuest simplify and standardize its business semantic management to create a common language and connect disparate information assets as well as handling large and varied vocabularies and authority files, linking new and existing editorial systems and enabling hierarchical views, and automating thesaurus management tasks.

Coffee Break
3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
ROI and Impact: Quantitative and Qualitative Measures for Taxonomies
3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Jay Ven Eman, CEO, Access Innovations, Inc.
Patrick Defibaugh-Chavez, System Analyst, Access Innovations, Inc.
What is the actual cost and benefit of a taxonomy, and how on earth do you measure it — and communicate those measures? Speakers look at both the qualitative and quantitative dimensions of measuring the impact and “return” and conveying that impact to key users and stakeholders.  They talk about Data Harmony’s experience with showing savings in staff; input time; and increased findability in an association, a corporation, and a government agency.

Executive Round Table:“Visioneering” the Taxonomy Horizon
4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Leslie Owens, Senior Analyst, Forrester Research
Christine Connors, Chief Ontologist, Knowledgent
Andy Northrop, Vice President, Professional Services, Autonomy
Wendi Pohs, Chief Technology Officer, InfoClear Consulting
Lisa Kamm, User Experience Manager, Google Cloud
Moderated by Marydee Ojala, Editor, ONLINE Magazine, industry thoughtleaders consider the issues confronting taxonomies, as well as the hot topics and “where to from here” for the philosophies, tools and technologies of the content management world.