18 & 19 October 2016   Olympia Conference Centre, London

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

09.15 - 10.30

Keynote: Designing future-friendly content

Taxonomy Boot Camp London opens with a fascinating case study describing the journey towards crafting a user-centred taxonomy, transformed into a website content model. Mike is an established user experience professional and information architect who has worked for digital agencies, the BBC, and now Facebook.

Mike Atherton, Content Strategist - Facebook
10.30 - 11.00

Coffee Break

11.00 - 12.30

A101 - Case studies for complex information spaces

These inspiring case studies demonstrate how taxonomies and controlled vocabularies can be used in a multitude of important applications in organisations that handle large amounts of data and content. The talks cover government agencies, scientific publishing and education.

Moderator: Dave Clarke, EVP, Semantic Graph Technology - Synaptica, part of Squirro AG, UK
A common subject classification for content publication on Nature.com
Andrew Needham, Ontology Manager - Springer Nature
Using a taxonomy at the Department for Education: a case study
Helen Challinor, Departmental Taxonomist - Department for Education, UK
Taxonomy-driven research and discovery
Adrian Fisher, Director - Adrian Fisher Consulting Ltd

B101 - Innovative approaches to maintaining large knowledge organisation systems

For organisations that work across different countries and languages, taxonomies need to be able to accommodate translations and accurate mappings between terms. Equally, organisations that use financial information need to build classification schemes which handle diverse data. These in-depth case studies show best practice applicable no matter what sector you’re in.

Moderator: Helen Skelton, Senior Information Manager - Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Using back-translation for quality control in a multilingual thesaurus
Lorna Balkan, CESSDA Thesaurus Coordination Officer - UK Data Archive
Critical financial information meets linked data: forecast is for a great relationship
Irene Polikoff, Chief Evangelist - TopQuadrant
12.35 - 13.20

A102 - Applying tags

Auto-categorisation and text analytics promise to revolutionise many tagging processes and drive up quality. But, as with any technology, there are challenges as well as opportunities. This session gives two extremely knowledgeable perspectives for anyone who doesn’t know where to start, and also for those looking to build on their knowledge.

Moderator: Stephanie Lemieux, President & Principal Consultant - Dovecot Studio
Tagging documents made easy, using machine learning and the hive mind
Brendan Clarke, CTO - TermSet.com
Applying tags and linked data at the source
Jeff Fried, Director, Platform Strategy & Innovation - InterSystems

B102 - Taxonomies for information retrieval

A key application of taxonomies is in helping users retrieve information from data sources, even if the data is incomplete, in multiple formats, or of poor quality. These stories show how experienced information professionals are using taxonomies in the fields of archiving and international development respectively.

Moderator: Bob Kasenchak, Information Architect - Factor
Taxonomies at the National Archives of the UK
Jane Langford, Senior Archivist - The National Archives
Jeremie Charlet, Developer - The National Archives
Joining up data standards for development: using a machine interpreter for linking taxonomies and information retrieval
Beata Lisowska, Data Scientist - Development Initiatives Joined-Up Data Standards
13.20 - 14.30

Lunch Break

14.30 - 15.45

A103 - The nuts and bolts of taxonomies

Taxonomies are only as good as their constituent words, phrases and relationships; and they are only helpful if they are used in the places where organisations will derive the most value from them. These talks show you how to understand and achieve this, by getting into the nuts, bolts and Lego bricks of taxonomies.

Moderator: Patrick Lambe, Principal Consultant - Straits Knowledge Author, Principles of Knowledge Auditing
Synonyms, alternate labels, and non-preferred terms
Heather Hedden, Taxonomy Consultant - Hedden Information Management, USA Author, The Accidental Taxonomist
Beyond digital – how Star Wars Lego and thinking big helped build powerful, robust taxonomies
Matt Hollidge, Director & Information Architect - Kore, UK

B103 - Tools and platforms for semantics

There is a growing range of tools and platforms which exploit taxonomies for content classification. This session brings together some of the leading-edge practitioners in the field, outlining how their work helps taxonomists, content teams, developers and more to understand and use content more smartly.

Moderator: Aref Makooi, Senior UX Architect - BBC, UK
How we built a free, open source taxonomy classifier in 10 days
Charlie Hull, Managing Consultant - OpenSource Connections, UK
ROI of investing in semantics
Bob Kasenchak, Information Architect - Factor
Powertagging: improved content discovery through a cycle of semantic enrichment
John Baker, CEO & Founder - Digirati
How SynAPPs uses taxonomy, classification and ontology to enhance enterprise knowledge management
Dr Masoud Saeedi, Managing Director - PurpleFrogText
15.45 - 16.15

Tea Break

16.15 - 17.30

A104 - Strategy and governance

For many taxonomists, the most fun of the job is in building and maintaining taxonomies. However, without good governance and making yourself visible around the organisation, some colleagues just won’t ‘get it’. These talks give invaluable tips and tricks for making sure taxonomies and metadata are understood by all.

Moderator: Jane Patterson, Research Information Manager - BCA Research
Taxo-what? Introducing a burgeoning organisation to the joys of metadata
Janet Kaul, Head of Knowledge Management - MPS (Medical Protection Society)
Feed and care of your taxonomy: approaches to governance
Bob Kasenchak, Information Architect - Factor
How to datify content to win friends and influence people: your next metadata strategy
John Horodyski, Managing Director - Salt Flats

B104 - Linked data

Linked data is an ever-expanding area of opportunity for information professionals, yet there can be jargon and a lack of clarity about why it is important. These three talks cut through the acronyms and explain clearly the principles and benefits of taking a semantic approach to modelling information.

Moderator: Charlie Hull, Managing Consultant - OpenSource Connections, UK
Building an ontology to support enterprise content management
Judi Vernau, Information Architect - Metataxis Ltd
Big data gives new insights into humanities, music and film research
Roger Press, Director, Product Development - Academic Rights Press Ltd, UK
Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS) as the core of enterprise knowledge graphs
Andreas Blumauer, Founder & CEO - Semantic Web Company Inc.
17.30 - 18.30

Conference Reception

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Join us at an informal drinks reception from 17.30 – 18.30 at the end of the first day of conference. Hosted by Information Today.

19.00 - 21.00

ISKO UK 'Get-together'

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All delegates are invited to join ISKO UK from 19.00 onwards on Tuesday 18 October for an informal 'get together' in a local pub. Further details will be provided on the website.

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