17 & 18 October 2017   Olympia London

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

09.15 - 10.10

AI vs. automation: the newest technologies for automatic tagging

Day Two opens with Joseph Busch cutting through the hype around artificial intelligence, to show how taxonomists and information professionals can take advantage of the opportunities these technologies bring. Joseph will argue that sometimes what is labelled as ‘AI’ is actually underpinned by high quality entity extraction and business rules which can therefore help automate content tagging.

Joseph Busch, Principal - Taxonomy Strategies
10.10 - 10.15

A brief introduction to the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)

Liz Marley, Thesaurus Editor - UK Parliament, UK
10.20 - 11.00

A201 - Developing your career as a taxonomist

Helen's light-hearted lightening talk reveals a few secrets of what it is really like to go on a TV quiz show such as Mastermind, and draws links between revising for quizzes and her professional work as a taxonomy consultant. Patrick presents a competency development framework he has developed from a global survey of working taxonomists. This will help attendees to profile their roles, and to identify their strengths and areas for development.

Moderator: Helen Challinor, Departmental Taxonomist - Department for Education, UK
Only Connect or: how going on TV quiz shows made me a better taxonomist
Helen Lippell, Taxonomy, Metadata & Search Consultant - Chair, Bite-Sized Taxonomy Boot Camp London
What does a taxonomist need to know?
Patrick Lambe, Principal Consultant - Straits Knowledge Author, Principles of Knowledge Auditing

B201 - Collaborative working for website navigation projects

This session highlights that for taxonomy projects to succeed, they must engage with colleagues and users alike. Emma’s talk describes the user-centred methodology that GDS developed in order to improve content navigation on GOV.UK. Helen’s talk shows how LSE adopted agile working on a project to improve the tagging of their online content.

Moderator: Matt Hollidge, Director & Information Architect - Kore, UK
Building a taxonomy that works for citizens: a GOV.UK user research case study
Much ado about everything meets agile sprints
Helen Williams, Metadata Manager, LSE Library - LSE, UK
11.00 - 11.30

Coffee in Sponsor Showcase

11.30 - 12.45

A202 - Taxonomy-driven applications

This diverse session features four speakers covering topics related to designing taxonomy-driven systems. Vivian talks about a project to review how a taxonomy could support a healthcare decision support system. Janet’s lightning talk describes her efforts to improve image tagging in a voluntary organisation with a limited budget for technology. Jeff covers the very important topic of the use of taxonomies to drive intranet content, using his SharePoint and Office 365 projects as examples. Finally, Joyce, through the entertaining analogy of LEGO and DUPLO, introduces SharePoint managed metadata.

Moderator: Theresa Regli, Director - Vox Veritas Digital Ltd, UK
How a gap analysis helped scope a healthcare taxonomy design
Vivian Bliss, Independent Consultant, USA
Tagging images to improve retrieval
Janet White, Volunteer (LCM Communications Team) - London City Mission (LCM), UK Fairtrade Foundation (UK)
Taxonomy-driven intranets
Jeff Fried, Director, Platform Strategy & Innovation - InterSystems
LEGO and DUPLO: is SharePoint’s managed metadata child’s play?
Joyce van Aalten, Taxonomist - Invenier, Netherlands

B202 - Semantic models in action

This session features three detailed presentations that show how ontologies and taxonomies are becoming indispensable tools for anyone trying to understand their data. Julia talks about data visualisation for climate change, while Sabrina shows how Kantar TNS build custom taxonomies to analyse social media. Finally, Veronique from Elsevier covers how the SKOS-XL model (an extension of the popular SKOS standard) enriched their vocabularies.

Moderator: Madi Weland Solomon, Head of Client Solutions & Services - Graphifi
Visualising a harmonised language for climate services and disaster risk reduction
Julia Barrott, Researcher - Stockholm Environment Institute, UK
Sukaina Bharwani, Senior Researcher - Stockholm Environment Institute, UK
The glass bead game: making sense of the chit chat online
Sabrina Wilske, Senior Data Scientist - Kantar TNS, UK
From vocabulary requirements to a SKOS-XL model at Elsevier
Veronique Malaisé, Senior Knowledge Representation Specialist, Content and Innovation - Elsevier, The Netherlands
12.45 - 14.00

Lunch and a chance to meet our sponsors

14.00 - 14.50

A203 - Taxonomy evaluation and maintenance

Neil and Sarah from Hackney Borough Council, together with Cathy from Oxford University Press, present case studies describing how automatic indexing and classification helped both their organisations to improve the quality of their taxonomies and their tagging systems. These case studies illustrate the value of maintaining a taxonomy properly with due regard to how it needs to be used.


Moderator: Michael Upshall, Head of Business Development - UNSILO, Denmark
A walk on the wild side: getting to grips with an overgrown taxonomy
Neil Lang, Information Management Consultant - Hackney Borough Council, UK
Automating the categorisation of academic content to a subject taxonomy
Dr Cathy Dolbear, Data Architect - Jisc, UK

B203 - Cutting-edge taxonomy applications for content systems

This session presents two hugely experienced technologists showing how they are using taxonomies in innovative ways to create better digital content delivery. Joe combines case studies and practical tips to show how metadata frameworks and taxonomies drive better content experiences for users. Andreas covers the latest in text mining technology, which is the ability of semantic knowledge graphs to link relevant topics to a piece of text, even if those topics are not mentioned explicitly in the text itself.

Moderator: Jonathan Engel, Information Architect - InfoArk, UK
From linear publications to open world adventures: taxonomies driving content applications
Joe Pairman, Lead Consultant - Mekon, UK
Extracting ‘shadow concepts’ from text
Andreas Blumauer, Founder & CEO - Semantic Web Company Inc.
14.55 - 15.30

Plenary Session - Language is rarely neutral: why the ethics of taxonomies matter

In an age of ‘fake news’, algorithms and artificial intelligence, it is more essential than ever that information professionals take responsibility for the ethical dimensions of their work. From the language we use in taxonomy terms, to how we classify things or even people, we need to be aware of how our work could be used and misused.

Moderator: Stella Dextre Clarke, Vice Chair - ISKO, UK
Matt Hollidge, Director & Information Architect - Kore, UK
Emily Overton, Principal Consultant - Records Management Girl Consulting, UK
Theresa Regli, Director - Vox Veritas Digital Ltd, UK
15.30 - 16.00

Tea in Sponsor Showcase

16.00 - 17.00

A204 - Governance and stakeholder engagement

Taxonomy governance is always an important part of any project. Yet too often, once a taxonomy has been implemented, governance (along with maintenance) can get downgraded to ‘business as usual' work and then neglected over time. Rita and Lynnette present case studies on doing governance properly, from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the World Bank respectively, while Theresa outlines approaches to getting governance right, so that metadata and vocabularies remain relevant long after they were first designed.


Moderator: Theresa Regli, Director - Vox Veritas Digital Ltd, UK
Moving towards an inter-organisational taxonomy governance process
Rita Benitez, Associate Knowledge Management Officer - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Create taxonomy governance that the business can follow
Lynnette Simpson, Content Strategist - World Bank Group, USA
Good governance: the engine for maximising content
Theresa Regli, Director - Vox Veritas Digital Ltd, UK

B204 - Knowledge graphs and ontologies

Bob works for Thomson Reuters, who process and aggregate information from multiple sources. They use multiple ontologies and controlled vocabularies to map meaning and context from diverse datasets. Ian will cover a new methodology called the ‘content knowledge graph’, which he argues can help organisations transform their silos of content into a resilient, connected and above all, useful, network of content objects.

Moderator: Ahren Lehnert, Principal Taxonomist - Nike Inc.
Why ontologies matter
Bob Bailey, Chief Information Architect - Thomson Reuters, UK
Taxonomies as the core of a content knowledge graph
Dr Ian Piper, Director - Tellura, UK

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